Hamilton-Cantrell Genealogy

Helen Cantrell Hunt

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A few copies of a large book -- 764 pages with a few thousand photos and genealogical information -- on the descendants of John Hamilton [1793-1886] and Mary (Polly) May [1797-1868] have been reprinted and are available from the author, Helen Cantrell Hunt.

Mary was the youngest daughter of John May [1760-1813] and Sarah Jane Phillips [1759-1848]. For a brief biographical sketch of Mary and her husband CLICK HERE.

2011 update: If you would like a copy of this book, contact me at ftmay@austin.rr.com and I will let Helen know of your interest. In February 2011 she told me she had 25 more copies printed with some corrections and about 20 were available for $90.00 plus postage.