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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

March 26, 2002

Those present: Marshall Davidson, Patricia A. Johnson, Don R. Johnson, Jim Spencer, Jimmy R. Reed, William L. May, Robert Perry, Alice Howard, Garnett Fairchild, Sabra Jacobs, Sam D. Hatcher, and Dr. Larry Leslie.

The Friends of the Samuel May House met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2002. In the absence of Sam Hatcher, (who arrived later), Dr. Perry conducted the first portion of the meeting.

A copy of February 26th meeting Minutes were emailed or snail mailed to members of the Board. There being no additions or deletions to be made, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher presented the Treasurer's report (A copy is attached to these original Minutes). The General Fund balance is $4,037.32; and, the Archive Fund balance is $258.00. There being no additions or deletions to be made, the Treasurer's report will stand approved as presented.

Dr. Perry informed the Board that the Chamber of Commerce had several tours scheduled for the Prestonsburg area during the summer and that each tour group would stop at the May House. The group would be paying $5.00 per person to tour the House; therefore, there would be some more revenue to be spent for furnishings, articles, etc.

Mr. Hatcher informed the Board that the Chamber of Commerce would be holding a statewide reception at the May House on April 10th; thus, giving us some much needed publicity.

A question was asked that if the City Council meeting that had been planned at the May House in the fall was going to be held. Mr. Davidson stated that he would contact the Mayor and let him know the House was still available to the Council for a meeting, should they wish to use it.

Don Johnson had brought a copy of the East Kentucky Magazine, which featured an article on the May House for all to see.

Mr. Hatcher reminded the group that on May 17th beginning at 7:00 PM there would be a reception held at the May House in conjunction with the Kentucky Division Reunion of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Alice Howard and Patricia Johnson would be serving as co-hosts for this event. He also stated that on Saturday, May 18the Kentucky Society Order of Confederate Rose would be meeting at the May House for their annual meeting.

Dr. Perry reminded the group of the Old Photo Fair that was going to be held on Saturday, April 6th, and invited all to attend and bring their old pictures with them. He stated they had some 2000 pictures on hand and were in the process of filling and cataloging them.

Mr. Hatcher was asked about a vacuum cleaner. He stated that he would stop tomorrow in Pikeville and see about purchasing an Electrolux Vacuum for the House. He was asked to try to have one sometime before May 17th, so it could be used in preparing the House for the reception on that night.

Plans were made to remove the lumber out of the attic on Saturday, April 10th. Jim Spencer and Jimmy Reed stated that they would try to be available to help with the project.

Following a brief discussion on the status of the furnishings for the House that had been purchased, Dr. Perry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Jim Spencer. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary