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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

April 22, 2002

Those present: Delmas Saunders, Jim Spencer, Alice Howard, Don R. Johnson, Sam D. Hatcher, William L. May, Garnett Fairchild, Robert Perry, Patricia A. Johnson. Also, Sabra Jacobs arrived late for the meeting.

The Friends of the Samuel May House met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 22, 2002. Minutes are been emailed and snail mailed to members. Mr. Hatcher asked if there were any corrections that needed to be done to the Minutes of our last meeting. There being none, the Minutes will stand as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Sam Hatcher presented the Treasurer's Report (A copy is attached to the original copy of the Minutes). He asked if anyone had any questions or concerns. There being none, the Treasurer's Report will stand as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that he felt the "Old Photo Fair" that was held on April 6th had been a success. All, who had been able to attend, agreed. Several people attended bringing their old photos and sharing with all present. Mr. Randall Osborne from Pike County had brought his collection of photos to show to everyone present. It was an event enjoyed by all who had an opportunity to attend.

Mr. Hatcher stated that he had been in contact with the Mayor. And, that he had filed for reimbursement from the ISTEA Grant for the building of the walkway for the May House and had made a statement on the form as to this was the final request. Therefore, he was afraid we have probably lost the rest of the ISTEA grant.

He stated that we still had some $25,000.00 left from State money and that this needed to be spent before June 30th. A discussion followed in which it was stated that $10,000.00 of this money would be needed for the interpretive panels. A Committee of Alice Howard and Garnett Fairchild was formed to talk with the Mayor and Frank Fitzpatrick regarding being able to use this money for the panels and to see how much is left to spend for the May House. Also, they needed to talk with him and see how he would like to have the money spent for the May House since the money is in the hands of the city.

Dr. Perry stated that in the meantime he would talk with Frank Fitzpatrick and get an invoice for the interpretive panels, so the city could send it in and get their money before June 30th.

Dr. Perry stated that he wished to take the rock from the front steps and other places of the house and build a wall at the bottom of the front yard next to Rt. 23 and hang a sign with the words, "Samuel May House" in large gold letters. Mr. Hatcher appointed Dr. Perry and Jim Spencer as a Committee to get this started. Dr. Perry stated he would be glad to design the sign.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the Chamber of Commerce reception held had really gone well. Everyone was very complimentary and enjoyed the tours provided. He also stated that as soon as he had a chance he would find out the price and purchase badges for those Trustees who helped with the tours regularly, so everyone would know who they were and could ask questions directly to the people involved.

Dr. Perry stated he felt we needed a basic brochure for the house because the one we had now was out of date. He agreed to design a new one for us. He also stated that he would check with tourism and see if they would be interested in helping pay for a portion of the brochures so they would have some in their offices.

Mr. Hatcher announced that on April 25, there would be a pharmacy company holding a reception at the May House. They had already sent us the money to do so.

Also, at 1:00 PM on Friday, a bus tour of tourist directors would tour the House and that we were being paid $5.00 per person for them to do so. Dr. Perry and Mr. Hatcher would be present to conduct the tours.

On May 17th, the Andrew Jackson May Camp will be hosting the Annual Kentucky Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Convention. The Mayor has told Jimmy Reed that the flagpole will be here by that time. If it is, we will dedicate the flagpole as part of the memorial service on Sunday.

Mr. Saunders mentioned that he had been reading a book entitled "Jacob's Ladder". He said it was an excellent account of the Civil War activities. He said research to write the book had been done - names and places were correctly used. He highly recommended the book, if you were interested in the War Between the States.

Dr. Perry stated that the Pike County Camp was planning a Civil War symposium for sometime in September and he had been invited to attend. He did not know the location or any other information at this time.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary