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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

June 26, 2001

Those present: Robert Perry, Sam Hatcher, Jimmy D. Reed, Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Delmas Saunders, Alice Howard, Jim Spencer, and Lillian Baldridge.

The Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc., met for their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2001. Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Minutes of the May 29, 2001, meeting was presented to those present. Mr. Hatcher also reminded everyone that they were posted on our web page as well as had been mailed already to those not having access to our web page. Don Johnson made a motion that the Minutes of the May 29th meeting be approved as presented; seconded by Jim Spencer. Motion carried.

Mr. Hatcher then presented the Treasurer's report as had been mailed to him by David Hereford. He stated that the balance as of June 18th was $7,605.29, with an expenditure of $214.48 for Over Mountain Press being the only significant one. He stated that Mr. Fred May had put on our web page a picture of the cover of the book-Kentucky's Last Frontier by Henry P. Scalf and mentioned that these books could be purchased from the Friends of the May House. Mr. May had also mentioned the pictorial history books were still for sale. Mr. Hatcher informed the group that Bristol Myers had asked to use the house for a local meeting of their sales representatives and had sent $200 for its use. However, their local representative resigned just before the meeting was to be held and this money would have to be returned to the company. Mr. Hatcher stated that as soon as he heard where the money was to be sent, he would return it.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the archive fund balance was $1,771 and that a $100 donation had also been received during this month, making the balance for June $1,871. Don Johnson made a motion that the Treasurer's report be approved as presented; seconded by Jimmy Reed. Motion carried.

Mr. Hatcher reported that one bid had been received from Johnson Construction Company and that Randy Burchett had recommended that the city accept the bid. Johnson Construction Company also had listed subcontractors that they would be using. Following a brief discussion, Robert Perry made a motion that we recommend to the city that they accept the bid as presented; seconded by Don Johnson. Motion carried.

A discussion of the Ivy Mountain monument was then held. Robert Perry said that the State had made one request of our group. They wanted us to adopt the area around the monument for one of our projects - to police the area and keep it clean and free of trash. They want a legal document with us to this affect. Mr. Perry made a motion that we take on the project along with the help of the Col. Andrew Jackson May SCV Camp. Jim Spencer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mr. Hatcher informed the group that Tom Fugate had recommend November 8th as the dedication date, since this was the date of the actual battle. However, this being on a weekday, discussion arose as to whether or not re-enactors or even the public would be able to be in attendance. Don Johnson made a suggestion that maybe it should be moved to either Saturday or Sunday afternoon stating that he felt more re-enactors would be available to help with the dedication as well as the public would be more able to attend the festivities. Mr. Hatcher stated that he would contact Tom Fugate and get his thoughts on it and report back to us at the next meeting.

Robert Perry presented to the group a collection of photos he had copied from the Imogene Caldwell collection. He asked that the group reimburse him $60.00 - the cost of having the pictures reproduced. Jim Spencer made a motion to reimburse Professor Perry; seconded by Jimmy Reed. Motion carried.

A discussion followed regarding purchasing a computer system for the May House. Professor Perry made a motion that $500.00 be moved from the general fund to the archive fund in order to purchase a quality system. Seconded by Jimmy Reed. Motion carried. Mr. Hatcher appointed Jim Spencer, Robert Perry and himself to purchase said system. It was stated that in the near future a cabinet would be needed to lock up the computer system.

Don Johnson then brought up another discussion item - the purchasing of period clothing to be kept at the May House. He stated this was needed for tour guides to use, once a person was hired to attend the house. Also, these clothes could be used during open house and at whatever other functions the Board should want to use them for. Following a brief discussion, Jim Spencer made a motion that $500.00 be allocated to purchase both men and women clothing to be kept at the May House. Seconded by Alice Howard. Motion carried. Mr. Hatcher appointed Don and Patricia A. Johnson as the Committee to purchase the clothing.

The Board was then informed that Delmas Saunders had presented to the May House a 180 year old clock. Also, Professor Perry informed the group that Jim Gambill, an appraiser and auctioneer, had agreed to appraise the furniture in the May House free of charge.

Mr. Hatcher stated that Professor Perry had purchased flowers for William (Bill) May who had passed away this month and that the Board would be reimbursing him for the flowers.

Business being concluded, Don Johnson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Jim Spencer. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:
Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary