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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

June 25, 2002

Those present: Delmas Saunders, Patricia A. Johnson, Dr. Robert Perry, Don R. Johnson, Sam. D. Hatcher, Marshall Davidson, and Jim Spencer.

Friends of the Samuel May House met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 25th. The Minutes of the May 28th meeting had been emailed and snail mailed to members. Mr. Hatcher asked if there were any additions or deletions to be made to the Minutes. There being none, the Minutes will stand as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher presented the Treasurer's Report. There being no additions or deletions, the Treasurer's Report will stand as presented. (Copy can be found in May house files).

A lengthy discussion of possible means of fund raising then began. Mr. Delmas Saunders stated that he felt the Board of Trustees should be asked to pay a membership fee since all organizations, or at least those he knew of, charged a yearly membership fee. He stated he felt all would be willing to pay, if someone would just remind them. He suggested that a letter could be composed and mailed to all members asking that membership dues be paid now. He suggested that we ask for $15.00 per year; however, Mr. Hatcher reminded him that our By-Laws stated that dues would be $10.00 per year. Therefore, we could not ask for more than $10.00. Mr. Saunders stated then that he felt the letter should be composed asking for whatever our By-Laws stated and that each member should be required to pay yearly dues. No action was taken.

Mr. Saunders than presented to the Board $185.00 that he had collected from a reunion that he had attended over the past weekend by selling two of the Floyd County Pictorial Histories and from donations.

Mr. Hatcher informed the group that the City of Prestonsburg had agreed to purchase one of the interpretative signs that the Board had talked about purchasing earlier. The City will purchase the one to be placed by/in front of the May House telling the story of the forming of the 5th Kentucky Infantry. The other sign that had been discussed would have to wait until funds could be raised to purchase it.

Mr. Hatcher stated that he planned to purchase five (5) of the books that the Historical Society had for sale to resale for the May House to raise funds.

Dr. Perry then asked for the floor. He stated that he had purchased some new brochures for the May House showing our new wallpaper. He was not going to ask to be reimbursed for the brochures; because he was going to use this has his donation to the House. (A brochure is attached to these Minutes).

Also, he made the Board aware of a project that was happening in the city of Prestonsburg. "The Weaning House" belonging to Samuel May was going to be torn down in the next few weeks. And, underneath the boards on the house were poplar logs. Dr. Perry felt that the May House should contact the city and let them know that we were interested in preserving the log portion of the house by possibly having someone tear the log portion down and storing the logs somewhere to use in the future, when funds could be raised, for a gift shop near the May House. Jim Spencer, Delmas Saunders, Dr. Robert Perry and Marshall Davidson were appointed as a Committee to contact the Mayor in this regard.

Continuing the fund raising discussion, Don Johnson stated that he felt purchasing some coffee mugs, getting an afghan made (with the May House on it), and, items such as this would also raise funds for the House. Dr. Perry said he felt these types of items would take a long time to raise funds that were needed now. He felt we needed to contact companies or people who would give large donations to the May House and have something on hand to give them in return.

Jim Spencer mentioned that any monies taken in at this time needed to be put in an interest bearing account so eventually we could run the May House off of interest earned on the monies. With no action being taken, Don Johnson made a motion that the meeting adjourn; seconded by Marshall Davidson. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary