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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

September 24, 2002

Those present were: Delmas Saunders, Alice Jane Howard, Sam D. Hatcher, Marshall Davidson, Lillian Baldridge, Patricia A. Johnson and Don R. Johnson.

Friends of the Samuel May House met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 24, 2002. The Minutes of the July 23rd meeting had been mailed and emailed to members. Mr. Hatcher asks if there were any additions or deletions to be made to them. There being none, the Minutes stood approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher presented the Treasurer's Report. The General Fund balance is $4,965.13, with no major expenditures being made. There being no questions regarding the report, it stood as presented.

Mr. Hatcher reported on the effort that had been made by the Board of Trustees to get membership fees paid. He reported to date that we had received $2,746.00; and, that we are still receiving monies from the reminders.

Ms. Alice Howard had brought some Kentucky's Civil War Magazines that Dr. Robert Perry had sent to the members. He had an article published in the magazine regarding the Battles of Ivy Mountain and Middle Creek. He also sent some brochures on the festivities of Oct. 25 and 26 for the dedication of the Middle Creek Battlefield.

The Board is planning a reception for the night of Oct. 25th at the May House. Ms. Howard ask the Board if they would give her permission to check with the Job Corps in Prestonsburg to see if they would cater this event. If they would, the only cost would be to purchase the food. It was also noted that a local lady provided catering to various organizations and was suggested that her prices might be check out as well and see who would be a better choice. Ms. Howard stated that she would check on these two possibilities for us; and, get with Patricia Johnson, and complete the planning of the reception.

Following a brief discussion on items needed for the house, Mr. Hatcher appointed Lillian Baldridge and Alice Howard as a committee to purchase a set of silverware for the House. He also noted that a set of chairs had been purchased by Mr. Kevin Hereford for the House and would be delivered as soon as he had a chance to bring them down. He also thought that a wing back chair was among those items purchased.

Mr. Hatcher reported on the May Reunion that was held at Jenny Wiley Lodge on September 14, 15, and 16. He stated that approximately 85 people had visited the May House on the 14th. He had taken them on tours and had sold approximately $738.00 worth of books.

Mr. Hatcher reported that there were two tours coming up - one on October 11 at 2:00 PM with approximately 27 people; and, another on Oct. 27, at 11:00 AM. He said he could probably take care of the one on Oct. 11; however, he would need help on Oct. 27. Mr. Delmas Saunders stated that he would be there to help him on the 27th.

Following a discussion about keeping the house open to the public, it was decided that every Sunday in October the house would be open from 2:00 to 5:00 PM for public tours.
These included: Oct. 6 - Marshall Davidson would be there; Oct. 13 - Sam would be there; Oct. 20 - Marshall would be there; and, on Oct. 27 - Delmas said he would be there. Sam ask Ms. Howard if she would see if the local paper would run the above beginning immediately and as often as possible through the month of October.

Mr. Hatcher mentioned that a window upstairs needed painting on the outside before winter; and, Lillian Baldridge stated that she would check with a couple she knew and see if they would be able to do this one window between other jobs they had.

There being no further business, Don R. Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Marshall Davidson. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary