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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

January 23, 2001

PRESENT: Lillian Baldridge, Marshall Davidson, Sam Hatcher, Sabra Jacobs, Don Johnson, Patricia Johnson, Tim Skeen, Jim Spencer.

Sam Hatcher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Sabra Jacobs moved that we accept the December 2000 Minutes; Don Johnson seconded. Motion carried.

David Hereford's December Treasurer's Report showed a balance of $9,615.07. The report indicated the purchase of two tables and a sofa with the money from the Horn Foundation, which will be delivered some time this week. Don Johnson moved that we accept the Treasurer's Report; Jim Spencer seconded. Motion carried.

Sam Hatcher reported that the disagreement with the Floyd County Historical Society has been amicably resolved.

Don Johnson moved that the group purchase an additional 100 copies of the pictorial history @$22.50 each; Jim Spencer seconded. Motion carried.

Sam Hatcher reported that he will investigate the cost of producing a May House calendar for 2002.

Finally, Sam Hatcher reported that he and Robert Perry will drive to Ashland on Friday to pick up a box of Floyd County documents sent by Wallace Scalf.

No further business pending, at 7:55 p.m. Don Johnson moved to adjourn; Jim Spencer seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Tim Skeen, Secretary