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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Special Meeting

February 10, 2001

Members Present: Sam Hatcher, Robert Perry, Don Johnson, William R. May, David R. Hereford, Jim Spencer, Marshall Davidson, Lillian Baldridge.
Also present Alice Howard, Patricia Johnson and Jimmy Reed.

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 P. M.

The Treasurer presented a treasurer's report showing a balance in the general fund of
$9,576.60. Major expenditures were for furniture and consulting fee. It was noted that this cost of furniture plus the consulting fee was covered by a grant. The only other significant expense was $1,200 for printing of "The Oldest House in the Valley". Don Johnson moved, second Jim Spencer, that the Treasure's Report be approved as presented. Motion carried.

Dr. Perry presented a receipt from Wal Mart for the copying a group of pictures of Weeksbury, Kentucky. Don Johnson moved, second Jim Spencer, that reimbursement be approved. Motion carried.

Dr. Perry brought up that the archives have accumulated a significant number of pictures, the Friends of The Samuel May House should consider sponsoring a Volume II of the Floyd County Pictorial History. Discussion followed. The consensus was that we should continue obtaining pictures for the archive with the goal of publishing a second volume in a year or so.

Sam Hatcher brought up the purpose of the meeting, participation in the Battle of Middle Creek Project. The group was reminded that Frank Fitzpatrick made a presentation of the project at the November meeting, and that the group had voted to participate subject to funding. It was reported that Brett Davis, administrative assistant to the County Judge Executive, indicated that we have available both of the appropriations ($50,000 each less approximately $2,500 expended for architect fees). Also a portion of the remaining ISTEA funds can be utilized for part of the project, specifically the walkways, handicap ramp, and front porch. It is felt that the appropriations will be sufficient to cover the parking lot, patio, outside restroom and the $10,000 for the May House's part in the Battle of Middle Creek project. It was explained that the battle site was to be marked with approximately 8 signs; another sign is to be placed at the location of The Garfield House. Our part would be two signs depicting the role of the May House in the Civil War and a second sign describing the action that preceded the battle of Middle Creek at the gristmill on the river near the May House. It is also possible that a sign will be placed at Pikeville, at the site where General Garfield was sworn in, and at the Pound Gap. The signs will, in addition to describing the topic at their location will refer the visitors to the other Civil War sites. The costs of the signs are approximately $5,000 each for a total of $10,000. Don Johnson moved, David Hereford second, that the Friends of the Samuel May House participate in the Battle of Middle Creek project by purchasing the two signs, assuming funding and Kentucky Heritage Council approval. Motion carried.

Sam Hatcher briefed the group on the status of the proposed parking lot lease. Apparently an attorney reviewing the proposed lease on behalf of the Mays has included a clause requiring that the Mays be allowed to approve the company providing the City liability insurance on the property. This has apparently has presented a stumbling block in the acquisition of the lease. Sam Hatcher indicated that he would contact the City Attorney and Mayor to see if they can expedite the lease. It was emphasized that time was of the essence if we are to have the project completed before this summer.

Robert Perry reported that he had talked to the Mayor and the Insurance Agent for the City and that they had increased the insurance on the furnishings of the May House to $100,000. The insurance agent had requested that an appraisal be obtained.

David Hereford reported that he had talked to a storeowner in Lexington who may have acquired some mannacans (spell?) and that he would check on availability for display of the clothing in the collection.

Robert Perry reported that Rodney Holbrook had requested the use of the House for a small private wedding. Due to the size and the limited time to have the house cleaned we agreed to charge a nominal fee of $50.00.

It was also reported that the vacuum cleaner that we acquired is in poor shape. Sam Hatcher is to look in to acquiring a Heavy-duty vacuum cleaner. Three are four dealers were pointed out.

It was brought up that the Mayor had agreed to purchase a flagpole for the May House. It was reported that due to some discussion that a Confederate Flag might be flown along with the U. S. Flag, that one member got very upset. There was a general discussion of this situation. It was reported that Dr. Perry had discussed the matter with Sam Fugate who is over the State Military Archives. Mr. Fugate indicated that we may legally fly any flag that we may wish, however, we would have to obtain approval from the Kentucky Heritage Council for a flag pole, that a modern flag pole would not be approved, but a period pole (presumably a pole made out of modern materials made to look like one used in the 1860's) would likely be approved. There was discussion of using the KY First Union Flag, which was the flag used by Morgan's Men. This is the flag with three wide stripes, two red and one white, with a blue background with thirteen stars in a circle formation and a large star in the center for Kentucky. In addition a 36 star US Flag would also be used. There was discussion of whether to use two poles, or one pole with a rotation of flags. Sam Hatcher indicated that a supplier of flag poles that he had found on the internet had recommended a fiberglass pole customized to look like a period pole, and that the supplier had hinted that it would be expensive. No action was taken at this time, subject to further study.

Meeting adjourned at 4:27