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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

November 3, 2008

Minutes of this meeting are subject to approval at the next meeting.

Those present: Dawn R. Stambaugh, Sam D. Hatcher, Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Jim Spencer, Sabra Jacobs, and Ann Latta.

Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. He stated that the Minutes had been emailed and mailed to all Board Members. With no corrections, the Minutes will be approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher stated that the balance is _____, with no major expenses. One addition to the report was he sold $463 in books and CDs during the May Family Reunion. He stated that if there were no further comments, the Treasurer's Report would stand with the correction as presented.

Mr. Hatcher said that the May Family Reunion was a success. He was able to give tours of the House and some donations had been made to the House. One was two pictures. The pictures were portraits of Byrd May Chapman (Daughter of A J May) and Bryd Kelly (Granddaughter of A J May). They were donated by Byrd Avery Lochtie, Eureka, Ca. Framing & restoration by Gwenda & Shat Avery in Marietta, Ga. In memory of their mother Mary Louise Steele Avery and the Aunts Byrd Kelly and Josephine May Noblin. Second was a pewter set consisting of 6 goblets, 1 bowl, and 1 pitcher donated by Julius and May Rose Martin. Also donated was a book titled "Osborn Born, May DNA" by Donald Lewis Osborn. A motion was made by Jim Spenser to accept these donations and it was seconded by Don Johnson. Motion passed.

Next order of business was the approval to reimburse Dawn Stambaugh for a flash drive and notebook she bought in order to keep the Minutes of the meetings in. Motion was made by Jim Spencer and seconded by Don Johnson. Motion passed.

New Business:

Ole Christmas will be held on January 4, 2009 from 2pm - 6pm. Mr. Hatcher asked Patricia Johnson if she would be the chairperson for refreshments and he also asked her if she could get Ms. Conley to bring some of her students to do the entertainment like last year. She agreed to try to contact her and see if she would be available on January 4th.

Next Mr. Hatcher asked Dawn Stambaugh if she and her husband would be willing to decorate the House for Christmas like they did last year. First Dawn presented two proposals to the Board. 1) They asked for a raise in the amount they were paid for cleaning the House (from $65 to $85). The reason for this was the cost of gasoline. 2) They asked for $150 to decorate the House because it took a total of 12 hours last year to decorate. After some discussion by the Board, a motion was made by Ann Latta to accept both proposals and it was seconded by Jim Spencer. Motion passed. Also, Mr. Hatcher asked the Board about giving them $100 to purpose new decorations for the House. Last year the board had approved $50 but it didn't buy enough to make the House like great. Don Johnson made the motion and Jim Spencer seconded it. Motion passed.

Final order of business was picking the next meeting date. After some discussion, our next meeting will be Monday, December 29th @ 7pm.

With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Dawn R. Stambaugh, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House