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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

May 22, 2007

Minutes of this meeting are subject to approval at the next meeting.

Those present: Delmas Saunders, Clark Allison (Guest), Sam D. Hatcher, Don R. Johnson, Marshall Davidson, Tom Matijasic, Jim Spencer and Patricia A. Johnson.

Mr. Hatcher opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. He introduced Mr. Clark Allison, with the Big Sandy Rural Development Corporation, who gave us a presentation regarding a project that was taking place entitled "Trail of the Quilts". He had some quilt patterns with him (please find those attached to Minutes on file) which he went through along with names of some of the organizations or groups who were participating in the project. He stated that the Science Center was planning on preparing a quilt, as well as others along a trail that had been designated. His purpose was to see if the May House would like to prepare and place on its grounds a quilt pattern that would have been used during the period of the House.

Following a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Jim Spencer to decline the offer due to lack of anyone to make the quilt, as all present worked on a daily basis and had no extra time. Motion was seconded by Don Johnson and passed unanimously. Mr. Davidson asked that if the Board could have participated we would have used the Kentucky Chain pattern as presented to us, along with many others, by Mr. Allison. He asked that this be recorded in the Minutes; and, that if anyone on the Board in the future could participate, he would vote for this pattern.

The Board thanked Mr. Allison for his presentation. Mr. Hatcher stated that the Minutes had been emailed and mailed to everyone on the Board. Also, there were copies present should anyone like to read them again. He asked for any additions or deletions, there being none, the Minutes would stand as presented.

Mr. Hatcher, in the absence of Mr. Hereford, presented the Treasurer's report. Our current balance is $3,340.89. There were no significant expenses, with one for the batteries for the alarm system not having been paid yet. This would be an additional $300.00 expense. The Treasurer's report will stand as presented with there being no questions.

A discussion followed as to whether or not to purchase some extra 1992 Floyd County History Books that the company had found and were willing to give us a good deal on. It was the consensus of the Board that we did not have the money at this time to purchase any additional books.

Mr. Hatcher then stated that he would not be able to open the House for tours on Saturday, May 26th, as he had originally said due to the fact that he would be out of town for the weekend.

Mr. Matijasic stated that he needed the House opened for a class he was having on June 11, so they could tour it and hear some local history. He asked about cost and Mr. Hatcher told him to charge $2.00 per person. Mr. Hatcher told him that he would either be here and let him into the House or he would see that he had a key so his class could do their tour.

Mr. Matijasic mentioned that at the Annual Membership meeting he had been asked by the Board to contact Ann Latta regarding being a Board Trustee and he had done so and she agreed to become a Trustee. Mr. Hatcher was reminded that the only time this type of action can be done is at the Annual Membership meeting or at a special called meeting. Mr. Hatcher stated that sometime before our regular meeting in July, he would call a special membership meeting for the purpose of electing Ann Latta as a Trustee.

Our regular bi-monthly meeting is scheduled for July 24th, so sometime before this date, Mr. Hatcher will call a special membership meeting...

With no further business at this time, Don Johnson made a motion that the meeting adjourn; seconded by Jim Spencer. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia Ann Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc.