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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

January 30, 2007

Minutes of this meeting are subject to approval at the next meeting.

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Sabra Jacobs, Marshall Davidson, Tom Matijasic, Sam D. Hatcher, Jim Spencer, and Garnett Fairchild.

Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 PM, stating that we had eight (8) members present.

He stated that Mr. Hereford had asked that a correction be made to the December Minutes in which the following statement was made regarding the Treasurer's Report: "However, when compared with the report sent to us at the last meeting; discrepancies were discovered." This should have read - "due to the Treasurer having not received notification of funds having been deposited into the account, the balances differed."

Mr. Hatcher then stated that the Minutes had been emailed and mailed to everyone. He asked that the Minutes be approved, with the change having been made as noted above. Sabra made a motion to accept the Minutes; Jim seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Hatcher then presented the current Treasurer's Report. The balance of the general fund is $3,557.47; with the only expenses being for the purchase of three different books to sell at the May House; mikrotec internet; Ky. Dept. revenue sales tax and cleaning for the House before Old Christmas. Mr. Hatcher asked if there were any questions; there being none, the Report will stand approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that Old Christmas had been held on Sunday, January 7th, with some thirty (30) people having been in attendance. He felt it had been a success, although the weather had been rainy and cold. And, he stated all present seemed to have had a good time and the comments he had heard were all positive ones.

He reminded those present that our March meeting was also our Annual Membership and Election meeting. This year the offices of Vice-President and Treasurer were to be filled. He reminded those present that officers held two year terms and elections were done in alternate years - with President and Secretary being one year and Vice-President and Treasurer being the next year.

Mr. Hatcher informed the group of a box of early century pictures and post cards that had been at the House for some time, but that had evidently been forgotten about since nothing had been done with them. He said he was planning to go thru them the end of this week and see who we did have pictures of and separate the ones we wanted to keep in our archives and ones (if any) that we might want to return to the owner. The owner had informed us, we were welcome to keep any or all of them; however, should there be some not applying in any way to the House, she would like to have them back. Mr. Spencer had picked up the pictures and stated he would return any we did not want to catalog and keep.

Mr. Davidson read us an article in a newspaper regarding the history of Abner Mountain. Since all present were interested in history, the article was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the March meeting would be held on Tuesday, March 27th, 2007, beginning with the Annual Membership Meeting at 7:00 PM and our regular monthly meeting would follow. He will mail cards to all May House members reminding them of the Annual Meeting.

There being no further business, Jim Spencer made a motion that the meeting adjourn; seconded by Tom Matijasic; motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia Ann Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc.