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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

December 5, 2006

Minutes as amended and approved at the January 30, 2007 meeting

Those present: Sam D. Hatcher, Sabra Jacobs, Lillian Baldridge, Don R. Johnson and Patricia A. Johnson.

Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at approximately 7:10 PM, stating that five (5) members were present which constituted a quorum.

He stated that the Minutes of the Oct. 3rd meeting had been emailed to those with email and mailed to the others. There were also copies on the table for anyone who wished to read them again. He asked if there were any additions or corrections which needed to be made.

Mrs. Baldridge asked about the fact that the Minutes stated that the meeting would be held on November 28th if that needed to be changed or not. Mr. Hatcher said he felt that it did not because at that time, plans were made to meet. However, circumstances kept us from having that meeting; therefore, it was not a mistake on the Minutes. At that point, Mr. Hatcher stated the Minutes would stand approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that in the absence of David Hereford, he would present the Treasurer's Report as sent to us. Due to the Treasurer having not received notification of funds having been deposited into the account, the balances differed. Mr. Hatcher stated that he would contact Mr. Hereford to get it cleared up and would have a true total for us at Old Christmas.

The floor was opened at this time for making plans for Old Christmas. Following a short discussion the Board decided it would be held on Sunday, January 7th, 2007, beginning at 2:00 PM and lasting until 4:00 PM. Mr. Hatcher informed the Board that Angie Conley would be here this year (as she was last year) to perform for those who attend. As for refreshments, it was decided that we would try to have spiced tea to drink along with cookies, brownies, pumpkin roll and various other cookies making it a dessert occasion.

Attention then turned to decorating the House. With everyone being so busy with the holidays, it was decided to hire someone to decorate the House. Sabra made a motion to hire Mitchell and Dawn Stambaugh to decorate the House; motion was seconded by Lillian, and carried unanimously. It was also stated that Mr. Hatcher had already contacted them in regard to cleaning the House before Old Christmas. The House would be decorated as soon as they could get to it; and, then cleaned as close to January 7th as they could.

Advertising for Old Christmas was then discussed. Mr. Hatcher stated that he would contact the newspaper, the radio; and, possibly the local TV station about getting it put on the air and in the paper a week or two before the event so it would be fresh on everyone's minds.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia Ann Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc.