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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

July 25, 2006

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Sam D. Hatcher, Tom Matijasic, and Delmas Saunders.

Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at approximately 7:10 PM, with five members being present. He stated that the Minutes of the meeting in March had been sent out to everyone or emailed to those who had email. Patricia A. Johnson was asked to read the Minutes. After she did so, Mr. Hatcher asked for any corrections that might need to be made. There being none, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher gave the Treasurer's Report which he had sent to the Board. The general fund showed a balance of $4,364.07, with no major expenses being recorded. Mr. Hatcher stated that the alarm system had had to be fixed and that we would be receiving a bill from the telephone company for repair. With no comments, the Treasurer's Report will stand approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher noted that there were some repairs that needed to be done on the House. When the alarm system had malfunctioned, the police had came and tried to break into the House to check it out. In doing so, there was a large chip of wood which came out of the front door, as well as the original lock to the House had been damaged. Also, it looks as if the fire place in the parlor is leaking as the brick were wet around the grate; and, this would need to be check out. The porches needed painting and the drains needed to be repaired. Mr. Hatcher stated that he knew of someone whom he would contact to try to get these items taken care of as soon as he could. Don Johnson made a motion to let him use his discretion in the amount of money spent on these repairs; seconded by Tom Matijasic; motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Hatcher stated that there was a Genealogy Workshop at the Carriage House in Paintsville on September 9, 2006, at which last year he had taken a box of the books that the May House is selling and had sold quite a few of them. However, this year he will be out of town and unable to do this. He stated that if someone else wanted to take on this project, to feel free to do so. No one present was able to commit to doing so.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc.