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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

March 28, 2006

Those present: Tom Matijasic, Sabra Jacobs, Garnett Fairchild, William L. May, Don R. Johnson and Patricia A. Johnson.

In the absence of the President, Garnett Fairchild, Vice-President called the meeting to order at approximately 8:00 PM after refreshments, provided by Don and Patricia were enjoyed by all. She stated that the Minutes in December and the Minutes of the meeting by email had been sent to all members; and, asked if those present had any corrections or additions that needed to be made. Mr. Tom Matijasic stated that his name had been spelled wrong in the email meeting Minutes and letter to Mr. Jerry Fannin. Mrs. Johnson, Secretary of the Board, assured him it would be changed and apologized for the mistake. With no further comments, the Minutes would stand approved as presented.

David Hereford, who was absent from the meeting, had sent a letter of concern to all members in regard to our depleting funds due to keeping the May House opened. Following a lengthy discussion, Sabra Jacobs made a motion to cease keeping the House open until volunteers could be found; seconded by Don R. Johnson. Motion passed.

Treasurer's report would stand approved as sent by Mr. Hereford to the Board.

Mr. Matijasic made a motion to amend the By-Laws to state that meetings be held bi-monthly since there did not seem to be enough business to hold monthly meetings. It was seconded by Sabra Jacobs; motion carried.

Mr. Sam Hatcher emailed me the following: "Since we are not going to meet in April I thought that I would send a report on the fundraising drive to date. I believe the drive is doing very well. To date we have received contributions in the amount of $2,735.00. This is nearly equal to the total donations we received for the entire year of 2005. Also, book sales continue to be a good source of income for the Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc."

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc.