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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

March 22, 2005

* Final approval of these minutes will be made at the 2006 Annual Membership Meeting *

Those present: Sabra Jacobs, Patricia A. Johnson, Jim Spencer, Jimmie Epling, Jim Ratcliff, Garnett Fairchild, John Rosenberg, Don R. Johnson, Marshall Davidson, Sam D. Hatcher, Lillian Baldridge and Dr. Mable Lineberger.

Mr. Hatcher called the annual membership meeting to order at approximately 7:02 PM. He informed the group that a copy of the Minutes from last year's meeting was on the table if they wished to review them. He asked for comments. There being none the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of Mr. David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher reported that the general fund balance was $1,480.46. He stated that the Archive fund has some $700.00 in it with the Board owing $100.00 each to John B. Wells, III and Jim Prichard for royalties from the sale of their book. He also reported that we had sold all of our books we had by Henry P. Scalf and that he needed to get some more ordered. He stated that not shown on the general fund balance is approximately $500.00 that had been collected from dues notices that Don and Patricia Johnson had once again volunteered to send out for the Board this year. He also noted that Fred May had posted our dues notice letter on his web page to help us raise needed funds to continue work to preserve the May House. With no comments, the Treasurer's Report will stand approved as presented.

Discussion then turned to the number of Trustees that the Board wanted to have for the coming year. After a brief discussion, Don R. Johnson made a motion that the trustees be kept to nineteen (19); seconded by John Rosenberg. Motion carried. Mr. Hatcher asked for the report of the Nominating Committee that he had chosen at the last meeting. Mr. Davidson stated that he had spoken with Dr. Mable Lineberger and that she was present and had agreed to become a Trustee. Sabra talked with Tom Matijasic, a History Professor at PCC, and he had seemed interested. Jim Spencer had checked with some people as well; however, all had declined. Marshall Davidson made a motion to accept the two above listed individuals as new Trustees; seconded by Sabra Jacobs. Motion carried.

Therefore the Board of Trustees for the Samuel May House for 2005 includes the following: Lillian Baldridge, Mable Lineberger, Tom Matijasic (upon his acceptance), Marshall Davidson, Alice Howard-Perry, Sabra Jacobs, Don R. Johnson, Marrs Allen May, William L. May, Gary May, John Rosenberg, Demas Saunders, Jim Spencer, Sam D. Hatcher, Garnett Fairchild, David Hereford and Patricia A. Johnson. Also, Honorary Members, who are now deceased, include William H. May, Dr. Robert Perry; and, E. B. May, Jr.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 7:35 PM for refreshments before the beginning of the regular monthly meeting.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary