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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

September 18, 2005

Those in attendance: Patricia A. Johnson, Alice H. Perry, Mitchell Stambaugh, Dawn R. Stambaugh, Delmas Saunders, Don R. Johnson, Sam Hatcher, Marshall Davidson and Garnett Fairchild. Seven Board Trustees and two guests were present.

Mr. Hatcher opened the meeting at 3:00 PM. He noted that the Minutes of the August meeting were emailed to all with email and mailed to everyone else. Also, copies were available on the table. He asked if there were any additions or deletions. There being none, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford Mr. Hatcher gave the Treasurer's Report. The general fund balance is $1,711.50 with Mr. Hatcher stating that Mrs. W. W. Lambeth had sent him a donation of $250.00 for the May House. With this amount added in, the general fund balance would be $1,961.50. He stated he would send the check to David for him to deposit on Monday. The balance of the Archive fund is $705.84; however, he needs to let Mr. Hereford know to write a check to John Wells and Jim Prichard each in the amount of $147.50 for royalties on their book. With this done, the amount of the Archive fund would be $410.84. He stated he would let Mr. Hereford know as soon as he could that a check needed to be written to them. With no comments, he stated the Treasurer's Report would stand as presented.

Don Johnson brought up an item of Old Business: Getting someone to stay at and lead tours for the May House. He stated that his daughter and her husband would be willing to work on weekends for 2-3 hours at $7.00 an hour to keep the House opened for tour groups or any individuals who might wish to tour it. Following a lengthy discussion, it was decided to immediately begin to advertise in The Kentucky Explorer that the House would be open on weekends from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. A donation of $3.00 each would be asked for the tours with children being free. The beginning date for opening the House was set for October 8th. This would be done for a twelve week period during which time Mrs. Stambaugh would keep a log of all visitors to help us decide if keeping things going was economically sound. Don Johnson made the above in the form of a motion; seconded by Delmas Saunders. Motion carried, with no opposing votes.

There being no further business at this time, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Samuel May House Board of Trustees