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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

August 23, 2005

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Sam D. Hatcher, Delmas Saunders, Patricia A. Johnson, Garnett Fairchild, Alice H. Perry, Sabra Jacobs, Jim Spencer and Marshall Davidson.

Mr. Hatcher opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. He noted that due to a lack of quorum there was not a meeting held in July. The Minutes of the June meeting were emailed to all with email and mailed to everyone else. Also, copies were available on table. He asked if there were any additions or deletions. There being none, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher gave the Treasurer's Report. The general fund balance is $1, 894.37; with the major expenses being for repairs that had to be done for the May House at a cost of $500.00. Cracked plaster was repaired and part of the door in the foyer that literally crumbled in the hands of the repairman was replaced. This being an emergency, Sam had gone ahead and had the work done without notifying the Trustees.

Mr. Hatcher also explained that Mr. Hereford had misunderstood exactly where some expenses should be taken from and had written checks from the May House account when they should have came from the Col. A. J. May SCV Camp account. Mr. Hereford had corrected this and the funds had been deposited in the May House account.

He also noted that out of the Archives Fund, the Board owed John Wells and Jim Prichard $105.00 each for their part of the book sales, leaving the Archive Fund balance somewhere around $500.00.

He asked for any questions on the report. There being none, the report will stand as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the photos had been gone through as mentioned at the June meeting. A photo of Greenville Davidson had been found. It was in rather poor condition and a discussion convened as to how best preserve it. Mrs. Fairchild stated that she believed she had a frame that the picture would fit into. She would check and let us know at the next meeting.

Mr. Hatcher stated that in answer to the question raised at the June meeting that he did not know that the May House had ever received any royalties from the sale of Jack May's War. He also said he would write the company and check into this for the Board.

He further stated that he had at home a check for the Scalf book royalties in the amount of around $100.00. He said he would check at home and send this to our Treasurer.

A discussion of working with the Science Center at the College to open the May House for tours when tour busses and school children made trips to the Center was then held. Items from this discussion were: (1) at least two (2) people were needed to be at the House to do the tours; (2) May House had no funds available to pay these people; (3) a recording of the tour of the House could be done and have on file for someone to play while group is going through the House; (4) having items available in the May House for sell to tour groups, school children, etc., anyone who may tour the House. No action was taken on any of these items.

Setting a new meeting date was then discussed. Don Johnson made a motion to change the meeting date to the third Sunday of each month at 3:00 PM, with the hope of getting more people out at this time. Jim Spencer seconded the motion. The motion carried with a vote of 8 to 1. Mr. Hatcher stated that we could try this for a while and then maybe, if it didn't help, we could go back to the fourth Tuesdays as we had been doing.

Mr. Hatcher stated that in the near future, something we needed to do was to get the upstairs handicapped accessible. He stated a video could be made of the upstairs, with audio, and then made available for anyone who could not climb the stairs. However, he mentioned a TV, VCR and video equipment were needed to do this. He stated he knew someone he felt would do the video for us. Anyway, this was something we needed to be thinking about.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Samuel May House Board of Trustees