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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

June 28, 2005

Those present: Patricia A Johnson, Don R. Johnson, Garnett Fairchild, William L. May, Delmas Saunders, Alice H. Perry, Mable Lineberger, Lillian Baldridge, Marshall Davidson, and John Rosenberg.

In the absence of Mr. Hatcher, Garnett Fairchild called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Mrs. Fairchild asked if everyone had received a copy of the Minutes (copies were also on the table). Everyone stated they had; and, since there were no comments, Mrs. Fairchild stated the Minutes were stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mrs. Fairchild gave the Treasurer's Report. Following a brief discussion of the report, Mrs. Fairchild stated that we would ask Sam about it at the next meeting. Some of the items were not clear and the group would like to have some explanation to go with the report.

Mrs. Fairchild stated that she had sold a book and presented a check in the amount of $45.60 to the Secretary to give to Mr. Hatcher to be deposited.

Mr. Davidson stated that he had some "old photos" that needed to be gone through and see if anyone can identify any of them and then need to be catalogued for our archives. Don stated that when he wanted to do this, if he would call him and Jim Spencer, all three of them would go thru the photos. Don stated that Jim knew quite a bit about Floyd County and knew how to use our cataloging system. Mr. Davidson stated that as soon as he got those together, he would give them a call.

Mrs. Perry asked if the May House was still receiving royalties from Jack May's War. Mrs. Fairchild stated that she did not know; however, we would check with Sam on this and be sure we were still doing so.

Dr. Lineberger stated that she had been in contact with Mr. William H. Mulligan, Jr., a Professor of History at Murray State University, in regard to getting an individual to do their internship at the May House so it could be kept open on a daily basis as we have discussed several times. He was out of town until July 5th; however, he did answer her stating - "I'll be in touch when I am back in Murray. Prestonsburg is rather far for what we have done, but we will see what we can work out." In the meantime, it was Mrs. Lineberger's suggestion that we try to get cash donations from the community that would be used to pay or help with paying an individual who might be willing to do their internship here. That internship would include the individual writing grants and obtaining grants which would basically fund their position.

Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the group that more information was needed before making any motions or decisions regarding the matter. Mrs. Lineberger reiterated that a "job description" for this individual should be in the May House files since she and Marshall Davidson had written one earlier.

Mr. Saunders stated that he felt we were under insured in regard to our piano. He stated that we only had $1500.00 worth of insurance on it and that it was valued at anywhere from $8,000.00 to $10,000.00. He felt we need someone to check it over and give us an estimate on its value as well as it needs to be tuned. It is approximately 175 years old and would probably need some repairs done as well if we ever plan on playing it. Mr. Rosenberg stated that Keith Caudill at the MAC Arts Center would know of someone who we could get to take a look at it. No action was taken by the Board at this time.

Mr. Saunders informed the Board that he had brought materials to hang the three pictures that Mr. Avery had framed for us. Don told him that if he would wait until the next meeting, he would borrow his nephews' laser liner which would be able to line the pictures around the wall evenly for us. Mr. Saunders agreed.

Mr. Saunders also informed the Board that we needed to write a "thank you" letter for Mr. Avery. It had been approximately three months since he had framed the pictures for us and a letter had not been written. Following some discussion, Delmas Saunders made a motion that Mr. Rosenberg write a "thank you" letter for us and email it to Sam for his signature and to then put it in the mail to Mr. Avery. Motion was seconded by Mable Lineberger. Motion carried.

John Rosenberg mentioned that the Science Center at PCC would like to coordinate efforts with the May House Board to get students to visit both facilities. The gentleman to contact at the Science Center is Mr. Ray Schubinsky. Mrs. Fairchild appointed Alice Perry, Lillian Baldridge and Tom Matijasic as a Committee to contact Mr. Schubinsky in regard to coordinating events. They were asked to report to the Board at the July meeting.

Mrs. Baldridge stated that runners still needed to be purchased and that she was on the Committee to do so. Following a brief discussion, it was decided that they would purchase new runners for the May House no later than this Christmas.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Samuel May House Board of Trustees