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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

April 26, 2005

Those present: Patricia A. Johnson, Don R. Johnson, Delmas Saunders, Marshall Davidson, Mable Lineberger, Tom Matijasic and Sabra Jacobs.

In the absence of Mr. Sam Hatcher, President and Mrs. Garnett Fairchild, Vice-President, the meeting was conducted by Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary. Mrs. Johnson opened the meeting by welcoming to the Board Tom Matijasic, who was recently elected a Trustee and by welcoming back Delmas Saunders, who had returned from spending the winter in Florida.

Mrs. Johnson stated that the Minutes from last month had been emailed to all with email and sent snail mail to all others. There were also copies available on the table. There being no comments, Mrs. Johnson asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. Sabra made a motion; seconded by Don. Motion carried.

In the absence of David Hereford, the Treasurer's Report was presented by Mrs. Johnson. The Archive Fund balance is $705.84. The General fund balance is $2,108.31 with several deposits being made from book sales and dues collected. There being no questions or comments, the Treasurer's Report will stand approved as presented.

Mrs. Johnson then reminded the group that we had a Photo Fair coming up on May 14th from 10:00 until 4:00; and asked if we needed to prepare refreshments for the Fair. Following a brief discussion, it was decided that Patricia and Don would do two vegetable trays and make tea; Mable will send some ginger bread cookies; and Tom will bring some lemonade.

Mrs. Johnson then asked for a report from the Committee (John Rosenberg, Sabra Jacobs, and Mable Lineberger) that had been set up at the last meeting to see about getting someone to work at the House and be available for tours. John was not present to let us know if he had been able to get any information. Sabra said she had mentioned it to Tom Matijasic and let him tell us what he had done. Tom stated that he had contacted Renee McCoy in regard to a ready-to-work program that was in place at the College to see if she had any students who might be interested. Ms. McCoy had not gotten back with him on this. Dr. Lineberger stated that she had worked on it that afternoon. Everywhere she went, she stated that she kept getting referred back to Tom Matijasic. She had also looked on the internet and found where different places were advertising for a person like we need, but could find no other information. She explained to Mr. Matijasic that her vision for the House was for it to be run as a business and find a person who might be interested in doing an internship as curator of the House. She stated we had been a Board since 1993 or 1994 and still, it seemed, all we were doing was meeting once a month and did not seem to be moving forward. Mr. Matijasic stated that to his knowledge there was not a college program as she was describing in the State of Kentucky.

Following a lengthy discussion, Mr. Matijasic stated that he knew a young man who was very motivated and had a degree in History who was working behind a counter at Rite Aide right now. He stated that he would approach this young man and see if he might be interested in helping us out; and, would report to us at our May meeting. In the meantime, Dr. Lineberger stated that she would continue to work on it as well.

Mr. Saunders then reported to us on an errand he was going to do for the Board on his trip to and from Florida this year. He stated that he had met with Howard Avery on his way to Florida and left the three pictures that a friend of his had given to him to be framed to be hung in the May House. He had stopped and spent the night with Mr. Avery and his wife on his way home. They were truly a gracious couple. He picked up the framed pictures on his way home. Mr. Avery did the work for us absolutely free. He had the pictures on our Board table and the framing was absolutely beautiful and fit in great with the period of the House. He and Dr. Lineberger had already found a place to hang them. They will be put in the front parlor. One will be placed on each side of the mantle and one between the two front windows.

With no further business, Don made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Tom. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary