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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

September 28, 2004

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Delmas Saunders, Jim Spencer, Marshall Davidson, Jimmy D. Reed and Lillian Baldridge.

In the absence of Mr. Sam Hatcher and Ms. Garnett Fairchild, Patricia A. Johnson presided over the meeting.

With there being no comments on the previous meeting Minutes in August, Ms. Johnson stated that the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

Ms. Johnson gave the Treasurer's Report in the absence of Mr. Hereford. The general fund has a balance of $1,050.02 and the Archive balance shows as $772.27. When asked if there were any additions or deletions, Mr. Johnson reported that Mr. Hatcher had asked him to let the Board know that he had some $500.00 plus dollars to deposit from book sales that he had not had an opportunity to do so as yet. With this added, the Archive balance were be approximately $1,300.00 (maybe more). He stated that we had sold fifty (50) of John Well's Books. With no further comments, Ms. Johnson stated that the Treasurer's Report will stand as presented.

Mr. Johnson reported that the spinning wheel and the sewing machine which had been discussed at last Board meeting were now present in the House; and, that we had some Girl Scouts and their leaders in the House on Sunday for a tour and living history and that they had all enjoyed the tour quite a lot and enjoyed viewing all the period furniture that we had acquired. We are very thankful to Cliff Latta, who loaned the spinning wheel for display to the May House and to Sid and Mattie Sutphin who donated the sewing machine to the May House. Mr. Fred May had stated on Saturday of the May Family Reunion that he would work with Mr. Hatcher to get appropriate plaques and signs for their display.

The subject of doing an activity for "Ole Christmas" was discussed. A motion was made by Don Johnson that "Ole Christmas" be held on Sunday afternoon, January 9th, beginning at 2:00 PM. Seconded by Lillian Baldridge. Motion carried.

Mr. Spencer stated that we needed to prepare a list of the books we had available for sale and that he had at home a page of how one organization had prepared theirs and was impressed with how they had done so. He stated he would try and bring it so we would have some idea of how we could prepare one that would "grab" someone's attention and make him or her want to read it.

Mr. Saunders stated that he was in possession of a picture of May twin boys and some other photographs. He was in the process of trying to identify them. He would donate them to the House as soon as he saw if he could identify them and maybe have an old looking frame made for them. The Board was very appreciative and stated they would very much enjoy having the pictures.

There being no further business, Don Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Delmas Saunders. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson