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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

October 26, 2004

Those present: Patricia A. Johnson, Alice Howard-Perry, Don R. Johnson, Jim Spencer, Delmas Saunders, and Marshall Davidson.

In the absence of Mr. Sam Hatcher and Mrs. Garnett Fairchild, Patricia A. Johnson called the meeting to order.

With there being no comments on the previous meeting Minutes in September, Ms. Johnson stated that the Minutes would stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Ms. Johnson gave the Treasurer's Report. The general fund balance is $1,604.20 and the archive fund balance is $705.84. Mr. Hatcher had asked Patricia to let the Trustees know that a total of $780.37 worth of books (plus some donations) had been deposited since our last meeting. Also, a royalty check had been sent to John B. Wells, III, in the amount of $319.16; thus, making our archive balance as listed above. With no further comments being made, Ms. Johnson stated that the Treasurer's Report would stand as presented.

Mr. Don Johnson asked Jim Spencer if he was available on November 13th or 14th to help bring our Christmas decorations downstairs and to decorate. Mr. Spencer stated that he would probably be free to do so; however, after a brief discussion, it was decided that all members would be contacted near the above dates with the exact date and time for anyone who wanted to help decorate.

Mr. Saunders informed the Board that once again he had been hard at work in trying to get items donated to the May House. He had the possibility of us receiving a Victrola talking machine (with this name on the front). He was not sure of the date, but thought maybe around the 1920's.

Also, he had a blacksmith forge that had been offered to us as well. The Board was very interested in both items. The Victrola we could take whenever we were able to receive it; however, the blacksmith's forge would need a small shelter built somewhere outside the House before it could be accepted. Mr. Saunders stated he would get both items secured for us as he thought he could at this time.

There being no further business, Don R. Johnson made a motion the meeting adjourn; seconded by Marshall Davidson. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson