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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

May 25, 2004

Those present: Patricia A. Johnson, Don R. Johnson, Alice Howard-Perry, Garnett Fairchild, Delmas Saunders, and Sam D. Hatcher.

Mr. Sam Hatcher stated that the Minutes of the April meeting had been emailed or mailed to everyone on the Board. He asked if there were any additions or deletions. Garnett stated that one set of the Minutes stated that she said the financial report would stand approved as presented. She said she did not say that because an auditor was the only one who could say the treasurer's report will stand as presented. It was noted this was not stated in last month's meeting and would not occur again. There being no other discussion, the Minutes will stand approved with comments as noted.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher reported that there was $3,044.85 in the General Fund and $1,743.27 in the Archive Fund. Since this report, Mr. Hatcher stated that we had received a $200.00 donation for the Archive Fund and $10.00 donation for it. Since there was no further discussion, the Treasurer's Report stood approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher reported that a reporter from WYMT TV had been in the area last week filming some historical locations in Floyd County. She has done some filming at the MAC Arts Center, Billy Ray's and at the May House. She could not tell him when it would be shown; however, she did say she would give him a call as soon as she knew for sure. She figured it would probably be sometime around the 1st of June - once at the 7:00 PM news and once on Saturday at the 11:00 news.

He stated that he understood the turn out for the Photo Fair was small. He noted that he had had it put in the Floyd County Times and had sent it to WYMT; however, he did not know if they had aired it or not. It was stated that this was a busy time of year and that we might try to have it earlier next year in the hopes that more could plan on attending.

Mr. Hatcher noted that the contract with Gateway Press had been sent in and received back and we had a copy on file. Plans to work on a pre-publication sale flyer to take to the SCV Annual Reunion on June 4, 5, and 6, possibly offering to pay the mailing fee if they will pre-purchase a book now were discussed. Flyers will be produced to take with the few going and to distribute about here. The book will sale for $30.00 with the profits to be split with John B. Wells, III. its author.

Don R. Johnson stated that at the next meeting he also hoped to have some small items with the May House logo on them for us to see if we want to purchase any quantity of them to keep for sale at the May House when tour groups come thru.

Mr. Hatcher stated that we are in need for someone to clean the house again. Alice stated that she might know of a young lady who would want to do it and may be in need of a job. She would check on this and let us know. The Board pays $65.00 for the house to be cleaned. It would need to be cleaned once a month; and, especially when we knew a tour group would be coming. She would let Sam know as soon as she found out; because for two months or at least until she went back to college, his daughter might be interested in doing the job.

There being no further business, Don R. Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Delmas Saunders. Motion carried and meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary