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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

June 22, 2004

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Delmas Saunders, Marshall Davidson, Sam D. Hatcher, Alice Perry, Garnett Fairchild, Lillian Baldridge, and Patricia A. Johnson.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the Minutes of the May meeting had been emailed or mailed to everyone on the Board. He asked if there were any additions or deletions. There being none, the Minutes will stand as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher reported that the general fund balance was now $2, 071.14 and that the Archive balance was $453.27. The major expenses were $1,500.00 sent to Gateway Press for the reprinting of John Wells' book and ads taken out in the Kentucky Explorer and Floyd County Times advertising the books that the May House has for sale as well as the fact that it can be rented for various functions such as weddings, showers, etc. Mrs. Baldridge gave Sam some money from books she had sold at her store for us. This will appear on next month's report. There being no comments, the Treasurer's Report will stand approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that he understood that the short filming of the May House that WYMT had done was shown as least twice; however, none of the Board had been fortunate enough to see it.

He further stated that the reprinting of the Wells' book was progressing on a faster schedule than originally thought. Instead of receiving the books the first of August, we might receive them the first part of July according to our latest information. We have already sold three books and expect more orders to be coming in to us. It was suggested that we check with local stores and see if they would sell them for us.

Don informed the group that Steve Lynn had contacted him and wanted to know if we would sell him some of the books at a discount so he could resale them in his store. He had told Steve that he would check with the Board and see what was thought of the idea.

Following a brief discussion, Don Johnson made a motion to sell Mr. Lynn the books at $20.00 each as long as he ordered five or more. Patricia Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried. This would also be offered to any other bookstore that might contact us.

Ann at Gateway Press had said that a book would be sent to Don and then one week later we could expect delivery of the remainder of the books. Gateway Press also provides (free of charge) an advertisement in the Family Tree Magazine for all books they print.

Mr. Hatcher asked Alice about someone to clean the house that she was going to check with. Alice stated that she had not had a chance to talk with the young lady but would let Sam know something on Wednesday, June 23rd. She was asked to tell the young lady that we would pay $65.00 to have the house cleaned. Don also informed him that his daughter and her husband would be interested in the job, if we could find no one else. Mr. Hatcher also mentioned that we had mice once again and that he would try to get something to take care of them on Wednesday.

The 4th of July celebration of Floyd County was then discussed. Following the marker dedication on Saturday, July 3rd, the Board will be hosting a reception at the May House at approximately 2:00 PM (immediately following the dedication). We will plan for from 25 - 50 people. Mr. Hatcher is going to check into the possibility of having tables set up for the Historical Society and for the May House during the day on the 3rd. Don told him he would help him with this project.

Patricia Johnson then presented to the Board a project in which the Regional Girl Scout Council wanted to have Girl Scouts come to the House for tours and to learn of the War Between the States (since the May House was used as a recruiting station) as well as do a tour of the May House. They would donate $100.00 to the House as well as reimburse us for refreshments, if we could provide them for the group. Mr. Hatcher stated that he would help and felt this would be an educational opportunity for them.

Mr. Hatcher stated that September 11th, would be the May Reunion for the descendents of John May at Jenny Wiley Lodge. They will be touring the House at approximately 10:00 AM on that date.

With no further business, Don Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Delmas Saunders seconded it. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary