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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

March 23, 2004

Recorded here as amended at the April 27, 2004 meeting

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Lillian Baldridge, Garnett Fairchild, Frank Fitzpatrick, Sam D. Hatcher, Marshall Davidson, Dorothy L. Harris, Jean H. Burke, Drema Osborne, Jim Spencer, and Patricia A. Johnson (who arrived late).

Mr. Hatcher noted that due to an oversight the Minutes of the November 24th meeting had not been approved. He stated that they had been mailed and emailed to everyone. If no one had any corrections, they would stand approved as presented.

He then went on to the February 24th meeting and stated that they had been mailed and emailed to everyone. He asked if there were any additions or deletions. There being none, they will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher reported that there was approximately $1700.00 in the treasury. He stated that Don and Patricia Johnson had helped prepare the dues' notices and had included a letter asking for a donation toward the republishing of The Yankee Chasers, a book written by John B. Wells, III and Jim Prichard. They had sent out a total of 310 letters. As of this date, a total of $2,260.00 had been received with $760.00 being ear-marked for the publication. He stated we should have a better idea of the exact amount at our April meeting.

Mr. Don R. Johnson asked that the money received for publication purposes be placed in a separate account so we would know when we could order some books, as well as have monies to purchase items to sell to the tour groups who came to the May House. Mr. Hatcher stated that he would have Mr. Hereford move the money ear-marked for our publication to the Archive Funds.

He stated that at this time, we needed to elect officers, namely President and Secretary. He asked for a report from the Nominating Committee. Mr. Don Johnson reported that they nominated Sam Hatcher for President and Patricia A. Johnson for Secretary. There were no nominations from the floor; therefore, one vote was cast for each - Sam for President and Patricia for Secretary.

 Mr. Hatcher then presented to the group a list of items that need to be completed. These included: (1) to comply with the Disabilities Act, a video needs to be done of the upstairs area to show to anyone who cannot get to the second floor. We will also need to purchase the equipment to keep at the House to be able to show this video whenever needed; (2) new pamphlets need to be printed; (3) have an ad kept in the Kentucky Explorer with the books that we have available for sale; (4) discuss date for the Photo Fair; and, (5) he asked the group that we put aside $500.00 for an ad in the Sons of Confederate Veterans - The Lost Cause - listing what books we have for sale.

Don Johnson made a motion to put aside $100.00 for the ad in The Lost Cause; seconded by Jim Spencer. Motion carried.

Mr. Davidson then asked to be recognized. He wanted the May House to have an activity during the local 4th of July celebration. He thought that it would be a good idea to have the house open for tours and maybe host a reception on the date that the Bridge Marker Dedication was going to be done. At this time, the date is not known. The group agreed this was a good idea and Mr. Hatcher appointed the following committee to plan a reception: Alice Howard, Garnett Fairchild, Lillian Baldridge and Patricia Johnson.

Mr. Davidson had two items he wished to have entered into the Minutes. One was an article from the Courier Journal describing how a house, such as the May House, was being used as a teaching tool; and, second was information on purchasing a US flag that was used at the time of the building of the house. This would have 15 stripes and 15 stars. He wishes to have one to fly at various activities of the House. The group agreed that one was needed and would keep this in mind. As soon as the money was available, approximately $300.00, one would be ordered for the House.

With no further business, Jim Spencer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Don Johnson. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary