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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

November 25, 2003

Those present: Alice Perry, Sam Hatcher, Patricia A. Johnson, Don R. Johnson, Garnett Fairchild, and Sabra Jacobs.

Mr. Hatcher reported that the Minutes of the October 28, 2003, meeting had been emailed and mailed to everyone. There being no questions or comments, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher reviewed the Treasurer's Report. The general fund balance is as of November 18, 2003, $4,455.32. Deposits totaled $797.45 with expenditures being the normal ones for a month, house cleaning, bills, etc. The deposits had come from the sale of books and from charging tour groups $2.00 per person for touring the May House. There being no questions or comments, the Treasurer's Report will stand approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that he had still not prepared a list of items that needed to be done at the May House to give to Bill May, who was going to get the repairs done for us before winter set in. He will prepare a list in the near future.

"Old Christmas" was set to be held on Sunday, January 4th, 2004, from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM in the afternoon. Alice Perry will serve as Chairperson of the group named at last months meeting to serve on the Committee for getting things ready. She stated that Lillian Baldridge has already promised to contact Food City in Prestonsburg and get them to supply the paper products for "Old Christmas" as she did last year.

Mr. Hatcher stated that he had emailed John Wells about giving us permission to have copies of his book reprinted and that his email bounced back. Don Johnson asks him to send the message to him and he would try to get it to John.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the lady from the company who had printed the Floyd County Pictorial History and the 1992 book had called him the other day about finding more copies of the books. He will call her back and get all the details before the next meeting so we can decide what whether or not we want to purchase any more of either book.

Due to the Holidays, it was decided that our next meeting would be held on December 16th, 2003. We will all try to be there by 6:00 PM to help decorate the House before the meeting for "Old Christmas" on January 4th.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the May House