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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

September 23, 2003

Those present: Patricia A. Johnson, Alice Howard Perry, Garnett Fairchild, Sam D. Hatcher, Marshall Davidson, Jim Spencer, and Delmas Saunders.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the Minutes of the August 26th meeting had been emailed and mailed to everyone. There being no questions or comments, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher reviewed the Treasurer's report. The general fund balance is $4, 146.76. We had received a donation of $120.00 from a May family descendant, with no major expenses. There being no questions or comments, the Treasurer's report will stand approved as presented.

Marshall stated that he had some books at home that he would donate to the May House to sell.

Sam stated that he was still working on getting three prices for the pamphlets we want to get prepared for distribution regarding the May House. He is also still working on getting someone to paint the windows before inclement weather sets in. Mr. Saunders gave him the name of A. J. McCoy who was now painting some and Sam stated that he would contact him if the man he had in mind could not do the work.

Delmas stated that he had also come into possession of a shovel and poker that he would donate to the May House. He will bring these to the next meeting.

Mr. Hatcher stated that at the October meeting we needed to start planning for "Old Christmas" that we will be hosting in January.

Marshall asked about the Jenny Wiley Festival - if we were going to participate. Sam stated that the Historical Society would be setting up a table and that he would check with them and see if we could share their table and put some of our books out for sale as well as advertise the May House during the Festival. The Jenny Wiley Festival will be held on October 9, 10 and 11.

There being no further business, Jim Spencer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Delmas Saunders. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:
Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary