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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

August 26, 2003

Those present: Patricia A. Johnson, Don R. Johnson, Sabra Jacobs, Delmas Saunders, Jim Spencer, Alice Howard, Garnett Fairchild, W. L. May and Sam Hatcher.

Before the meeting began, Mrs. Alice Howard Perry was presented a Resolution regarding Dr. Robert Perry from the May Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the Minutes of the July 22nd meeting had been emailed and mailed to everyone. He asked if anyone had any additions or deletions. There being none, the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

Mr. Hatcher stated that David Hereford had failed to mail a Treasurer's Report for this meeting; however, we did have one received late for last month with an ending date of July 10th. He reported a balance of $3,568.18 with petty cash having been replenished since that time and Delmas selling some books since then. He stated that if there were no questions, the Treasurer's Report would stand approved as presented through July 10, 2003.

Mr. Hatcher stated that we owed Delmas a "thank you" for buying the paint and painting the gate to the May House. He painted it green and hoped it would be seen better now. Mr. William May stated that he had some reflective tape that he would get and put on the gate to help keep someone from running into it. The Board really appreciated Delmas doing the work and Mr. May giving us the reflective tape to apply to the gate.

Mr. Hatcher stated that an intern from the Heritage Council had visited the May House and had pointed out some things that needed worked on. He had not received a written report from her as yet. He stated that one thing she had mentioned was the gutters letting water run over the handicapped ramp. He said we needed to take some brick out and hide the gutters someway to keep the water off the handicapped ramp. If we did not do this now, it would definitely cause us problems later and cost us more to fix it.

Mr. Hatcher also reminded everyone that anytime they showed the house to be sure they had the participants sign the guest register. Or, if we could not get signatures be sure and at least record the date and the number who went through the House. He is keeping a ledger on volunteer work hours done at the House. We need to keep a total of the volunteer hours. This is one thing the Heritage Council checks when they do annual visits. He reminded everyone that a lady from the Tourism Commission is showing the House for us at various times.

Mr. Hatcher told us he is in the process of obtaining three bids for publishing more brochures on the May House. He has two bids now and should receive the third in a day or two. When he has all the bids, he will take them to the Tourism Commission and Fred James to see if they cannot help us get some brochures printed to distribute throughout the Big Sandy Valley.

Mr. Hatcher asked the group to purchase a screen saver for the May House for advertising from the Pikeville Central Soccer Team. Jim Spencer made a motion that the May House purchase a screen saver from the Pikeville Central Soccer Team for $100.00. Seconded by Sabra Jacobs; motion carried. Sam will write the advertisement to be put on the screen saver.

Following a suggestion by Alice Perry that we get the chairs repaired that Kevin Hereford had gotten for us, Sam stated that he would write Kevin a letter and see if he knew of anyone who could repair them for us. As well as see, where Kevin was in obtaining more wall paper and furniture for the May House.

Following a discussion on keeping the May House open on which no action was taken, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the May House, Inc.