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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Special Meeting

March 10, 2001

Members Present: Sam Hatcher, Robert Perry, Don Johnson, William R. May, Jim Spencer, Marshall Davidson. Also present: Patricia Johnson.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P. M.

As this was a special meeting the minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer's reports were not presented. However, it was reported that there was $7,218.33 in the treasury. The only major expenditure being the Payment to Turner Publishing for the order of the Floyd County Pictorial History. It was reported that the books would be shipped the week of March 19th.

President Hatcher announced that he had the Proxy of David Hereford.

Dr. Perry shared copies made of pictures provided by Nancy Campbell, of Dr. Campbell and the early years of Prestonsburg Community College. He also displayed a panoramic picture of a May Family Reunion taken in the 1930's. Nancy Campbell had also donated a Civil War era Sword that Dr. Campbell had inherited from his father. This has been placed in the display case. Dr. Perry requested reimbursement of $100.00 for expenses involved in coping the pictures. Motion by Marshall Davidson, second by Jim Spencer, to reimburse Dr. Perry. Motion carried.

Also on display, were large framed portraits of William James and Cynthia May donated by Fred T. May. A suitable place for hanging is to be decided upon.

Sam Hatcher reported that Bill May (E. B. May, Jr.'s son) indicated Friday that their attorney had removed the clause in the lease, and that it would be forwarded to the City for the Mayor's signature on behalf of the City. Bill indicated that next week we would obtain the signatures of his father and mother, and those of his uncle and aunt. He also reported that his father had signed the Historic Easement on behalf of the May Family.

Sam Hatcher also reported that he had met with Randy Burchett, who is working as designer on the parking lot, patio project. Mr. Burchett is to prepare the bid packages for the project. Once the package is prepared we will be ready to bid the project as soon as we get the go ahead from the City.

As it appears that we will only have access to the $50,000 appropriated by the State, plus the remaining ISTEA funds (Which apparently can only be spent on the walkways, handicap ramp, and reconditioning of the front porch) we probably don't have sufficient funds at this time to do all three parts of the project. The bid package being prepared will be such that only the portions that we have funds for will be accepted. Robert Perry moved, second Donald Johnson, that we adopt the following priority (it was noted that this priority had partially been adopted at previous meetings) 1. Parking lot; 2. Walkways, handicap ramp, and upgrade of front porch; 3. Exterior signage to explain the May House and its role in the History of the Big Sandy Valley and the Civil War. 4. The patio including the restroom/gift shop. Motion carried.

Robert Perry reported that John Wells and John David Preston had agreed to help with preparing the wording for the proposed signs that is planned to be installed at the May House in cooperation with the Battle of Middle Creek Project.

There was discussion concerning requesting the City to provide a flag pole to honor the members of the May Family who have fought in all of our Countries wars, as well as all East Kentuckians who have fought in disproportionate numbers. Don Johnson moved, Jim Spencer second, that the City be requested to provide and install a suitable period flag pole. Motion carried.
President Hatcher announced that the next meeting is the annual membership meeting. At this meeting there is to be the scheduled election of President, Treasurer, and Trustees. It will also be necessary to elect a Secretary to fill the remainder to Tim Skeen's term.

Meeting adjouned.