May Farm - 1936
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The Samuel May House, built in 1817, is located on the northern end of Prestonsburg, Ky. The original May Farm of about 300 acres was purchased in three parcels from John Graham. Located on this property today is Prestonsburg Community College. Across the Big Sandy River, which flows through the town, is Abbott Creek, where May families also lived for many years. 

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In the summer of 1936, Tress May Francis, granddaughter of William James May, walked up to the May Cemetery, located on the ridge overlooking the May House, and took this photo of the May Farm. Her grandfather, William James May, and his brother, Samuel, [nephews of Samuel May who first settled the farm] and some of their descendants have lived in homes on this property since 1842.

The camera is located at the May Cemetery and is pointed southwest toward the Big Sandy River. The Samuel May House is visible in the middle under the "X". The old "Auxier Road" is in the foreground.