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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

June 3, 2008

Minutes of this meeting are subject to approval at the next meeting.

Those present: Dawn R. Stambaugh, Lillian Baldridge, Sam D. Hatcher, Garnett Fairchild, Patricia A. Johnson, Don R. Johnson, and Tom Matijasic.

Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. He stated that the Minutes had been emailed and mailed to all Board Members. With no corrections, the Minutes will be approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher stated that the balance of our treasury was $3,186.80, with no major expenses. He stated that with no comments, the Treasurer's report would stand as presented.

It was agreed that Mr. Hatcher would take some of the books to this year's SCV Convention which is being held in Fairview, KY. He will take John David Preston's book along with a couple of others to try to sell.

Mr. Hatcher reminded everyone that the May Family Reunion will be held September 19th - 21st.

Mrs. Fairchild mentioned that a group of AARP members will be having a meeting on June 17th and would like a tour of the May House. Mr. Hatcher said that he could be there at 6:00 PM to give a tour.

Dawn asked if the Board would like to have the House cleaned since it hadn't been cleaned since Old Christmas in January. Mr. Hatcher said if everyone agrees that Dawn and her husband can go ahead and clean the House by June 17th.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Dawn R. Stambaugh, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House