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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653

December 4, 2007

Those present: Patricia A. Johnson, Garnett Fairchild, David R. Hereford, Don R. Johnson, Sabra Jacobs and Sam D. Hatcher.

Mr. Hatcher called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. He apologized to the group for the lack of having meetings since May. However, he had been extremely busy with various items and could not get the cards mailed out in time to have meetings as required by our By-Laws.

He further stated that we would dispense with the reading of the Minutes of our last meeting and let them stand approved as presented.

Mr. David Hereford was present and gave the Treasurer's Report. He stated that according to his books we had a balance of $3,407.04. Mr. Hatcher, who receives our bank statement, since Mr. Hereford had moved to Lexington stated that due to some deposits that he had not had time to send to Mr. Hereford our balance, according to our last bank statement was actually $4,118.54. Mr. Hereford went on to say that our regular monthly expenditures were all the ones that we had had since our last meeting. Mr. Hatcher stated that John Rosenberg had contributed $100.00 to the May House in the memory of Marshall Davidson, who passed away in the summer and was a member of our Board of Trustees. The Treasurer's Report would stand as presented with the balance of $4,118.54 as reported by the Bank.

Next on the Agenda was a discussion of "Old Christmas". It was decided that we would hold "Old Christmas" on Sunday, January 6th, beginning at 2:00 PM and ending at 5:00 PM. David Hereford made a motion that $100.00 be set aside to reimburse the ladies for the refreshments that they would prepare; motion was seconded by Sabra Jacobs and passed unanimously.

Mr. Hatcher appointed Lillian Baldridge, Garnett Fairchild and Sabra Jacobs as a Committee to see that refreshments were done. Garnett informed the group that she would not tell anyone what to bring. That everyone could just bring what they could and then we would put everything together. This had been what we had done in the past and it had always worked and she felt it would work again. David asked that hot tea be made and Patricia promised him she would do her best to see that it was made.

Mr. Hatcher asked Patricia and Don to check with Mitch and Dawn to see if they could clean and decorate the House the following week for Christmas. David was put in charge of seeing that it was advertised in various locations so everyone would know to come and enjoy some fellowship and good food together as we celebrated "Old Christmas."

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia Ann Johnson, Secretary
Friends of the Samuel May House, Inc.