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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Special Called Meeting
Georgetown, Kentucky

June 21, 2003

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Sam D. Hatcher, Jimmy Reed, and David Hereford, thus making a quorum of the Board present.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the purpose of the special meeting was to discuss a suggestion that he had received from a Board member. At this item, Don made a motion that the May House purchase some civilian War Between the States clothing to use when tour groups come to go through the May House and at the various yearly functions we host. The clothing included a hat, two jackets, a vest, and shirt. It was also noted that Patricia Johnson had some of her 1860's dresses that she planned to donate to the House to have on hand for the ladies to use during the functions.

Motion was seconded by David Hereford to purchase the men's clothing. Motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by

Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary