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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

April 22, 2003

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Jim Spencer, Garnett Fairchild, Sabra Jacobs, and Jimmy Reed.

In the absence of Sam Hatcher, Vice-President Garnett Fairchild presided over the regular monthly meeting of the Friends of the May House. She asked that the Secretary read the Minutes of our last meeting. There being no additions to the Minutes, they will stand approved as presented.

A Treasurer's report was not available.

Mrs. Fairchild stated that Mr. Hatcher had left with her a few items that we needed to discuss. With Dr. Perry's illness, he has decided to retire. In doing so, he is canceling all his credit cards. His Internet services can only be paid by credit cards; therefore, he is asking that the May House pay $14.95 per month so he may continue to receive these services and keep up-to-date on what is happening with the May House. Mr. Hatcher has agreed to pay for them with his credit card if the May House group will reimburse him on a monthly basis. A motion was made by Don Johnson to do so; seconded by Jimmy Reed. Motion carried.

A discussion of the Photo Fair, which is set to be held on May 17th, from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM, then began. Mrs. Fairchild stated that she would ask Sam to have a notice put in the Floyd County Times as well as have some public service announcements put on the local television station.

She further stated that she would appoint Lillian Baldridge to serve as Chair person for refreshments for the Photo Fair; and that she would be glad to help her as well.

A sign for display in front of the May House had been discussed at the last meeting; however, Don Johnson had not had time to do a "mock-up" of a sign and stated he would have one ready for the next meeting. Sabra Jacobs stated that she would like to see an old fashioned sign erected (one which would go with the period of the house).

Following a brief discussion, it was decided that both designs would be ready for the members to view at the next meeting and decide what was needed to let the public know that the May House was there for tours and visits.

Jim Spencer stated that a gentleman he knew by the name of Carmelee Akers had several antiques that he was looking for a place to donate them or store them. He had hoped that Mr. Akers would be at the meeting tonight to talk to us about them. He had some 2000 old pictures of the Mud Creek area, irons, a spinning wheel, corn cob pipes, etc. that he was looking to find a place for display. Mr. Akers had also written two volumes of history on the Hall family and the Akers family of Floyd County. Jim stated that he would ask him to come to our May meeting and talk to us about the items.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:
Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary