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Minutes of the Board of Trustees

January 28, 2003

Those present: Don R. Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Sam D. Hatcher, Alice Howard, Garnett Fairchild, Sabra Jacobs, and Jim Spencer.

Mr. Hatcher asked for an update on Dr. Perry. Ms. Howard stated that he was doing fair at this time and would know more in a few days following further tests. He asks that she convey to him our good wishes and let him know he is truly missed.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the November 2002 Minutes had been emailed to all with email and then snail mailed to the other members, as well as having been posted on the Internet. He asked if there were any questions, additions or deletions. There being none the Minutes will stand approved as presented.

In the absence of David Hereford, Mr. Hatcher presented the Treasurer's Report. The general fund balance is $4,585.60. This did not include some $200.00 that Sam had deposited today from a donation and the sale of some of the May House books. There being no questions, additions or deletions, the Treasurer's Report will stand as presented.

Mr. Jim Spencer had purchased some post cards on e-bay and donated these to the May House. They were of some of the historic buildings of Floyd County and Prestonsburg, which no longer existed. Mr. Hatcher thanked him on behalf of the May House.

Mr. Hatcher stated that the May House Board had been having trouble getting someone to clean the House whenever it was needed. He had contacted a gentleman by the name of Lewis Coe and his wife who had began cleaning the Methodist Church in Prestonsburg. He stated that Mr. Coe had worked for a company for some years but had had to do some extensive traveling; therefore, he and his wife had decided to begin their own cleaning company. Mr. Hatcher had already taken him through the House and asked what his charge would be to do cleaning on a once-a-month basis. He had informed Mr. Hatcher that the first time cleaning would probably run around $65.00 and from then on the charge would be $8.00 an hour for he and his wife. Mr. Hatcher stated that he felt we should give him a key, security code, and then let him be responsible for setting his own schedule as long as it was done once a month. Alice Howard made a motion to hire Mr. Coe and his wife to clean on a monthly basis and to give him access to the House at his own discretion. Seconded by Don R Johnson. Motion carried.

Mr. Hatcher also asked that the Board give permission to have a "petty cash" fund at the House. This would be kept to keep Board members from having to pay out of pocket expenses, i.e., music for Olde Christmas, (which was sometimes not available) and then sending to David for reimbursement. Don Johnson made a motion that we keep $200.00 dollars on hand; and, when it began to get low, Sam would automatically contact David without the Board having to give approval again. Sabra Jacobs seconded this. Motion carried unanimously.

Garnett Fairchild stated that she believed we still owed Lillian Baldridge for some lights she has bought for the Christmas tree. Mr. Hatcher asked Alice Howard to check with her about the amount and to let Sam know how much she was owed. Then when the "petty cash" was received, she could be paid from it.

Mr. Hatcher asked permission to purchase a 35 star federal flag for our flagpole. He had received a quote from a company for $195.00 plus shipping and handling. It was the consensus of the group that one was needed for some of the various occasions that occurred at the House. Jim Spencer made a motion that Sam purchases the flag. Seconded by Don Johnson. Motion carried.

Mr. Hatcher then gave a report of the inspection of the May House that had been conducted by a member of the Kentucky Heritage Council. He went over the report (which was a favorable one). A copy can be obtained from the May House archives.

Alice Howard mentioned that the curtains were beginning to look dingy again and need laundering. Patricia and Don Johnson volunteered to take care of them in the near future. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:
Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary