Gold Watch of
Thomas May, Sr. (1787-1867)

Fred T. May

In December 2005 I was very fortunate to learn of the gold watch that once belonged to my great-great grandfather, Thomas May, Sr. The present owner is Bill May, a great grandson of David May [1828-1864], youngest son of Thomas May, Sr. Bill's grandfather was David's oldest son, Thomas May [1853-1933]. Thomas was only eleven years old when his father died in the Civil War.

Thomas stayed on the May farm on Robinson Creek in Pike County and cared for his widowed mother, Mary Elizabeth Bickley May, until her death in 1907. He had a great interest in the history of the family and carefully preserved family possessions and records. He didn't marry until 1909 when he was 56 years old. His bride, Sarah (Sally) Little, was only 22. They had four children between 1910 and 1921. Thomas died in 1933 and Sally lived until 1965. Bill May was a young man when his grandmother died and recalls her often telling stories of the family. She identified a rifle and a gold watch as once being possessions of Thomas May, Sr.

More about the rifle and the special consideration that
Thomas gave to David's surviving family.

See full text of the will of Thomas May, Sr.

Bill brought the watch to the 2006 May Family Reunion in Prestonsburg
and I took the following photographs. He said that the key was for
winding the watch and that it was still in working order.